Engaged How?

Engaged How?

There is always more to say about strategy and leadership.  In some companies it's only something that happens in the ivory tower, while newer and smarter leaders realize it is something they need to foster in each and every employee.  Everybody needs to be a contributor, not just a performer, to have an edge over the competition.

There Are No Wasted Moments

There Are No Wasted Moments

Recently I read an article about multitasking.  In a study at Harvard Law, some of Harvard's most highly performing students were tested doing focused work and then switching to multitasking.  The results stated that the intelligence level of these brilliant people dropped to that of a 6-year old, when performing more than one task at a time.

The Habit of Happiness

The Habit of Happiness

My partner and I are remodeling an old house.  Our can of worms, we call it, sometimes lovingly, sometimes despairingly.

With the buddhist principle of "emptiness" in mind, here is the "empty" situation:  we bought a house, the previous owner was less than forthcoming with their disclosures, which accounts for that at every turn, we find more issues that have to be resolved.  The outcome:  we are over our already conservative budget, and it is taking much longer than we anticipated.


"I am so overwhelmed." This is probably the sentence I hear from my clients most often.  Not surprising, given that I coach many leaders around work/life balance skills.  Most of the complaints center around there always being way more that needs to get done, than there is actual time in the day.

The Great Gap

Thinking about your life, if you made a list of the things that you always said you wanted to do but never have, how long would it be?  Sit down and make that list right now.  How many items are on it, three, 5, 20 items? Look at your list again and pick out the three most important things.  If you are having a hard time prioritizing, think of it in terms of:  which of these things would have profound impact on your life?