Appreciating Autumn



Historically, autumn has been a hard season for me.  The light getting shorter, the sun’s energy waning, colder days and the feeling of the world folding in on itself is a challenge for many people.

A very inspiring conversation with my friend and acupuncturist Christine Friel, founder of Double Happiness Health, helped me reframe my perspective around the change of the seasons.

Remembering that everything is cyclical for a reason, I started thinking about the benefits of less energy going outward.  Slowing down as a tool for becoming present with the here and now, a perfect time to reflect upon all the energy spent.  Spring is for ramping up, Summer for going all out, Fall for slowing down and going inward, and Winter to store up energy for the new cycle to begin.

Being present now with Fall, I can breathe and celebrate harvesting the fruits of my labor for the year-to-date; going inward and noticing where I feel congruent with my process, and where adjustments are needed; looking deeply and realizing where I am stepping over challenges and where it might be time to manifest change.

Going with the idea of cyclical, I am bringing in the Universal Cycle of Change (model created by Kris Halbom):

Universal cycle of change page

Universal cycle of change page

Right now, I am finding myself in the place of “dropping off”.  Dropping off what I should or shouldn’t be doing, what I have or haven’t done.  Giving myself the chance to really be with where I am right now and revisiting my process of getting here.

I know that my process will be the most important thing to look at as I move into meditation & dormancy to collect the insights and energy I need to enter into my next cycle of creation.

Knowing that all this fits in perfectly with the cycle of seasons and nature gives me a deep sense of calm and appreciation.  Thank you, Autumn.