Being very busy seems like it would be a very productive, useful state. After all, we are getting a lot done and that feels good, right?
In several conversations of late another common denominator appeared in being crazy busy: a very effective way to avoid looking at what's really going on, and the vulnerability that goes along with that.
For many of us being really busy feels like the recipe to success. It's what makes us worthy, speaks for our credibility, establishes love and belonging and keeps us off the streets.
Because after all, what does it say about us, if our schedule is not full to the brim? If our business isn't booked solid? If there are less than a few Facebook events stacking up? If we are not invited to all the cool engagements?
One of the great points that Brené Brown makes in her book "Daring Greatly", is that being that busy serves as a perfect numbing strategy. Just like too much of any other great thing, being too busy, aside from adding a lot of stress to our lives, is very effective to keep us from noticing what's really going on.
Imagine a week where you only take care of what you absolutely have to do; and notice what your busybody mind is immediately telling you has to be done...
Steep in what good enough really means and let that be that. End up with long, open evenings, glaringly empty weekends and days off. For many of us the panic sweat is just about to set in. And then what?
So what are these things that have been nagging at you but you have been so good at burying? What's the root cause of that really uncomfortable clench in your gut? Why is my breath getting shallow as I think about this?
I have been sitting in "damn uncomfortable" for a while. I have struggled not to keep filling up every crevice that opens up. I know right now is the time that I am supposed to pay attention because somehow it is related to why I am here. And honestly, it is one of the most uncomfortable and vulnerable spaces I have ever dared to stay in.